Do you have questions about SITES? Attendees during our first quarterly SITES call did, and in this live format, GBCI staff discussed the value of SITES certification and credentials, offered up resources and answered attendee questions. If you missed it, you can listen to a recording of the call.
Here are some of the top questions:
How do I register my project for SITES?
We’d love to have your teams register projects. Learn more about the rating system and certification process and register your project in SITES Online.
Don’t forget, our “Battle of the States” competition is still under way! Register your SITES project by Dec. 31, 2016 to participate.
Do SITES and LEED work together?
SITES and LEED can be used in tandem, and you can benefit from pursuing both SITES and LEED certification. To learn more about the crossover between SITES and LEED and how similar credits need only be earned in one rating system, download a copy of "Synergies between SITES and LEED."
How do I become a SITES AP?
Sign up for the SITES AP exam by the end of the year to earn the bragging rights of becoming one of the first SITES APs. Earning a SITES AP credential demonstrates to the marketplace your knowledge, expertise and commitment to the profession of sustainable landscape design and development.
Register in SITES Online and select the time most convenient for you to take the exam at a Prometric test center near you. Download a copy of the SITES AP Candidate Handbook for full instructions on how to register and study for the exam.
How do I talk about SITES to people who are interested?
We will be conducting a two-hour online training on SITES on Friday, Jan. 13 at 2 p.m. EST. This training will help you talk about SITES with your clients and beyond, and we will provide you with a standard Powerpoint presentation for your use. Register for the training.
How else can I be involved with SITES?
There are plenty of ways your talents can help SITES accomplish its goals. Fill out an expression of interest form to join the SITES Faculty Program, serve on the Speakers Bureau or become an Education Partner.
Also, save the date for the next SITES Quarterly Call, which will be held on Thursday, Feb. 16 from 1–2 p.m. EST. Sign up for the call.
Where can I find more information about SITES?
Further information about the SITES rating system and the SITES AP may be found on the SITES website. You can also subscribe to our newsletter or email us for answers to more specific questions.