Learn how China can lead on sustainable landscape design

Too often, landscapes, infrastructure and buildings are designed without regard to their harmful impact on our scarce resources, essential ecological systems and quality of life. Population growth and development are causing our communities to use more resources than ever before, which means more waste. We must think beyond the building to gain the benefits of healthy ecosystems.

What not to miss at Greenbuild Boston: SITES

Greenbuild is the world’s largest conference and expo dedicated to green building. It is the go-to place for the industry to convene and shape the future of the green building and sustainability movement.

This year, SITES and sustainable landscape design will be featured throughout the conference. Join us in Boston from November 8 to 10 for renowned speakers, engaging sessions, an interactive exhibit hall and valuable networking.

Learn about scaling SITES at the August 1 quarterly call

Even though SITES is a global standard, each project that uses the rating system exists within a particular local context. Different communities are using SITES to address the very specific environmental challenges they face. Around the world, leaders have begun identifying opportunities to scale SITES regionally and locally, as well as how to best work with state and city governments to do so.

How I passed the SITES AP exam on my first try

Please note that this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not endorsed by GBCI.

Do you want to earn your SITES AP credential, but are crunched for time to study for the exam? I enjoy learning, but I hate taking tests and am a busy person who doesn't have a lot of time to spend a studying for an exam. Here's the plan I followed to pass the exam on my first try: